Species lists

Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC) has an extensive database of records for the County and exchanges data with partner organisations. We would like to acknowledge HBIC and their partner organisations for their records in Froyle.

Protected and Notable species HBIC , click to download Protected and Notable species Froyle.

Amphibians and Reptiles ARC Amphibian and Reptile Conservation , …coming soon

Bats Hampshire Bat Group , click to download 8 Bat species in Froyle.

Birds Hampshire Ornithological Society , click to download 107 Bird species list Froyle.

Butterflies Hampshire and Isle of Wight branch of Butterfly Conservation , click to download 36 Butterfly species in Froyle.

Hoverflies, click to download 22 hoverfly species in Froyle.

Moths Hampshire and Isle of Wight branch of Butterfly Conservation , click to download 273 Moth species in Froyle.

Mammals, click to download 29 Mammal species in Froyle.

Plants BSBI Hants Plants, click to download 565 Plant species in Froyle Parish.

The Parish of Froyle covers 32 full or partial 1km map squares but a species may have been recorded in only one of these. If there is no record of a particular species, it does not mean that the species is absent from Froyle. It could be that a record has not been sent in. Also the presence of a species record does not necessarily mean that it is still here now.
