The photos below record the Wildlife Pond and surrounding wildflower meadow near Gid Lane, Froyle. The pond was constructed in 2016 by kind permission of Froyle Park Ltd. and funded by developer contributions through East Hampshire District Council. For more information click here.
Start pond dig stripping topsoil 12Apr16
Pond hole excavation 19Apr16
Pond liner unrolling 20Apr16
Pond liner laid 21Apr16
Pond anchor trench 26Apr16
Pond levelling the perimeter 25Apr16
Pond bare edge 30Apr16
Wildlife Pond Froyle constructed 30Apr16
Wildlife Pond after 6 months 10Oct16
Wildlife Pond after 1 year Froyle 3Jun17
Ground cultivation Froyle 3Jul16
Ground cultivation and weeding 3Jul16
Weeding sallow seedlings 27Aug16
Hibernaculum contruction Froyle 8Aug16
Hibernaculum soil topping 12Aug16
Great Crested Newt Froyle 8Aug16
Emperor dragonfly egglaying 3Jul16
Tussock meadow Froyle 9Sep16
Red-Tailed Bumblebee 11Sep16
Froyle Pond aerial view Jan17
Teasels and ox-eye daisies 3Jun17
Weeding sycamore seedlings 8Apr17
Weeding sycamore seedlings 22Apr17
Woodpile habitat stack 10Jun17
Broad-bodied chaser emerging 22Apr17
Yellow Rattle Froyle 3Jun17
Mullein moth caterpillar Froyle 3Jun17
7-Spot ladybird on Wild Parsnip 17Jul17
Viper’s-Bugloss Froyle 6Jul17
Pond Skater Froyle 6Jul17
Emperor Dragonfly male 17Jul17
Greater Water Boatman Froyle 6Jul17
Pond opening Cake design 25Jun17
Wildlife Pond opening event 25Jun17
Wildlife pond opening cake 25Jun17
Four_spotted chaser Froyle 6Jul17
Emperor Dragonfly egglaying 17Jul17
Dock Bug Froyle 7Jun17
Common darters mating 17Jul17
Common darters egg laying 17Jul17
Common Blue Damselfly 6Jul17
Blue_tailed Damselfly 6Jul17
Red Campion Ox-eye Daisies 3Jun17
Bladder campion Froyle 17Jul17
Blue Water-Speedwell 21May17
Ragged-Robin Froyle 21May17
Marmalade hoverfly Froyle 4Jul17
Meadow Cranesbill Froyle 6Jul17
Brown Argus on Yarrow 17Jul17
Teasel Froyle17Jul17
Bristly Oxtongue Froyle17Jul17
Wasp Spider Froyle 15Aug17
Marbled orb weaver Froyle 5Oct17
Common Carpet moth 29Aug17
Scything wildflower meadow 13Sep17
Southern Hawker in flight 29Aug17
Sheep grazing 20Sep17
Frosty grazing 28Feb18
Snowy pond 2Mar18
Pond overflowing Froyle 3Apr18
Water Stick Insect Froyle 21Apr18
Great Crested Newt larva Froyle
Ragged Robin by pond 19May18
Ghost moth Froyle 10Jun18
Brimstone on Purple Loosestrife
Emperor dragonfly emerging Froyle
Path cutting Froyle 9Jul18
Aerial view of Pond 27Aug18
Do contact us if you can help with ongoing maintenance of the pond and meadow or if you want to tell us your sightings.