
We continue to look after the wildflower area on Froyle recreation ground and the wildlife pond area near Gid Lane with volunteers. You can help to benefit wildlife and the community by volunteering so see a list of dates in 2025 for our work parties.

Our Spring 2025 ‘walks and talks’

  • Friday 7th February, ‘Wildlife Photography’ talk by Jon Hawkins, 7.30pm Froyle Village Hall.
  • Thursday 20th March, Understanding Birds and how they live ‘, talk by Keith Betton, 7.30pm Froyle Village Hall.
  • Saturday in May, Moth evening at Wildlife Pond area, 8.30pm until late. Date to be notified at short notice when weather forecast is favourable.
  • Wednesday 25th June, 10am-12, Walk at Noar Hill SSSI for wildflowers and orchids. Note there is limited roadside parking.
  • Tuesday 8th July, 10am-12, Walk at Abbotts Wood in Alice Holt forest for woodland butterflies. Note the date may be rearranged if poor weather forecast.
  • Saturday 19th July, join us for a ‘drop-in’ day at the Wildlife Pond to see what’s flying and flowering, anytime 10am – 4pm.
  • Sunday 20th July at 10am-11 or 11.15am-12.15, pond dipping for children, limited numbers so booking essential.
  • Thursday in October, AGM and talk TBA, 7.30pm Froyle Village Hall.

Alton Natural History Society organise regular talks and field trips in the Alton area. Talks at Alton Community Centre:- see

Bentley Station Meadow is our nearest SSSI and Butterfly Conservation organise volunteer work parties on the first Wednesday of every month 8th Jan; 5th Feb; 5th March 2025. See link for more information.

FROYLE RECREATION GROUND  -Living Willow Dome maintenance, trim top growth, tie in loose rods. Weed around the trees planted previously and check the ties on stakes. Sunday 2nd March 2025 10am-12 and 2-4pm

The wildflower areas on Froyle recreation ground provide nectar for bees and other pollinators as well as a colourful display for the community. We changed the cornfield annuals area to perennials last September and by sowing perennial seeds. A mixture of British native species that are different to the original wildflower area were sown thus increasing diversity and flowering times. This year’s annual cut and rake-up of the perennial meadow area is planned for Saturday 26th July 2025. Previously this area has grown well (see photos) after sowing in 2015 with the help of volunteers.

The wildlife pond and wildflower meadow near Gid Lane (see access plan and photos) has produced an increase in local biodiversity since construction in 2016 and demonstrates how we can help to give nature a home. The meadow area has established well but will still benefit from regular maintenance to avoid perennial weeds taking hold. Join us if you can help in 2025 on Saturdays 22nd Mar, 29th Mar, 19th Apr, 10th May, 24th May, 7th Jun,  28th Jun, 13th Jul, 30th Aug, 27th Sep.  Come and get involved with hands on nature conservation, see list of dates.


Link to a map of public footpaths in Froyle parish. Check out our social networking on Instagram at or search the hashtag #froylewildlife.

Our neighbouring parish Bentley has a website for Bentley Wildlife.

Binsted Eco Networks provide a forum for local environmental topics, contact for more information.

See previous years ‘walks and talks’ list for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016. For more information see Posts and Past events.
