Froyle Nature Conservation Group was formed less than a year ago partly as a follow on to a Parish Plan idea for a ‘wildlife club’. It aims to encourage awareness of local biodiversity and to enhance it. Also to involve the community in practical nature conservation tasks. Anyone with an interest in wildlife is welcome to join.
Wildflower area: The Parish Council has recently been asked to approve a plan to sow native wildflower seed this autumn on an area of the recreation ground (5x20m strip along northern edge). Initial cultivation can be done by volunteers including the group.
New website: Our developing website has information about wildlife in Froyle including a description of habitats and lists of birds, plants and insects that have been seen in the Parish in previous years. There’s a photo competition and what better way to connect with nature than to capture images of what you see (could be flowers, views, animals).
Wildlife pond: After a slow start, the plan for two wildlife ponds near Gidd Lane had to be changed to a single pond 300m2 area when the topographical survey revealed buried pipes. Next step is a quote for landscape architect and drawings for a planning application. Froyle Park developers NJG say they are committed to completing this project to enhance biodiversity. The earliest pond digging could begin is winter 2015/16.
An initiative to spot and record birds when you are out and about in Froyle has produced over 100 sightings so far in 2015 for the 11 target species. There is more information on the display boards at the village hall ‘Meeting place’ on the last Friday of each month.