Bluebell walks 17 and 23 April 2016

Bluebells in semi-natural ancient woodland
Bluebells in semi-natural ancient woodland

By kind invitation of Froyle Estate

Come and enjoy the bluebells and other spring flowers off the beaten track.  A guided woodland walk of about 2 hours and 1.8 miles on Saturday 23rd April at 10am and on Sunday 17th April at 2pm. The tracks are wet and muddy so boots or wellies essential (especially after Friday’s rain). No dogs please.

Contact by email if you’d like to come so we have an idea of numbers and check if postponed due to poor weather.

Updates: The planned walk on Saturday 16th was postponed because of persistent showers all morning. The rescheduled date is Saturday 23rd April 10am but please be aware that it may be slippery underfoot.

Thanks to Froyle Estate for their invitation to us. Both walks had some sunshine to enjoy the woodland wild flowers and bluebells. Plants seen included ancient woodland indicator species such as yellow archangel, wood sorrel, town hall clock, early dog-violet, and the parasitic toothwort.The shape of Hawkins Wood in a 1771 survey is the same as todays OS map. Here are some photos including a veteran coppiced beech tree that is 7.6m circumference.

Froyle bluebells 0Froyle bluebells 1Froyle bluebells 2Froyle bluebells 3Froyle bluebells 4
